LOCATION OF THE FESTIVAL: Grand Promenade 113 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Texas 78205

About San Antonio Tango Festival
September 22, 23 & 24, 2023

The San Antonio Tango Festival (SATF) offers a cultural, fun, friendly, high-quality opportunity to learn and practice your skills -- and to get acquainted with a generous local community of Tangueros and Tangueras who share the love of the dance. Students of all ages, performance levels and cultural backgrounds are welcome.
Guest instructors who who are well known performers and teachers in the U.S. and abroad will teach individual and group classes. Dancers will learn not only new step sequences to try out on the floor, but also foundational technique – the key to perfecting this intricate dance both as a leader or a follower.
And of course, there will be Milongas... so bring your dancing shoes and prepare to meet new friends who share your passion for the world’s most passionate dance.

San Antonio, Texas
Role Balance
The organizers of SATF understands how frustrating it is to attend a festival where there is not an equal number of leaders and followers. Although you DO NOT need a partner to attend the festival, we would appreciate your cooperation in registering with a partner or register early enough as an individual (No later than SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022) so that we can better achieve role balance for the classes.
Although we will do our best to role balance the classes, we cannot guarantee a partner per dancer, nor can we be responsible for your partner’s experience level in the class. Therefore, to maximize your class time, it is always best to bring your own partner.
Please note that once online registration is closed, you will only be able to sign up for classes a la cart or at the door. We will welcome you but we cannot guarantee you a partner.
Dear Dancers
For us to keep things organized and gender balanced (as much as possible) for the workshops please let us know the classes you will be attending.
You are allowed to change your mind on the workshops you would like to take, just make sure to let us know. Be aware that making changes on the classes at the last minute (the same day of the festival) may cause imbalance in the classes.
If you are with a partner making changes will not cause any imbalance.
Please provide the following information:
Date of Workshop
Instructors Name
Time and Level
Here is the link of the workshop schedule and details.
To fill our the REQUIRE Class From go to FORM | SCHEDULE | CLASS TAP
Level and Class Guidelines
For your own benefit and for the well-being of the other students in the class, it is essential that you choose a level of class that is appropriate for your skill level.
Musicality Classes: Are for all levels.
Intermediate: You are familiar with fundamental tango vocabulary and comfortable leading/following patterns. These classes will challenge you to develop new combinations and gain confidence in creating dynamic steps.
Advanced: You are looking to gain targeted training in the class topic to achieve better quality of movement and integrate different steps. You should be comfortable with the topic and ready to dive into the specifics of technique and execution.
Please arrive 5 to 10 mins prior to the class to avoid interruptions and the instructors can start right on time.
Video and still cameras are not allowed to be used during the instructional part of the class, The instructors will be taking a few minutes at the end of the class to record the summary of the workshop.
Have fun at the workshops and your politeness with the instructors and others in the class will make the event a better place.